an assortment of pieces done in boxes measured out using a baseball card. I would like to thank john morris. no clue what else you did but the card is very sturdy.
(this can take a while to load. theres a lot of them)
the last thing i remember seeing before waking up was a sort of harbor far in the distance, in a place where there used to be nothing. this structure was wooden, with metal cranes sticking up every which way, overlapping and the like. there was a building there, something that i assume was a cannery, that was what i called it in my mind at least, it was too tall, and too thin to be practical. all of this was built on black grey wood and red metal, sticking out of the ice like an oil rig. there were boats trapped by it, too small to carry more than a few people. this place was far from me, i could only really see bits an pieces of it at a time through the snow. despite everything the place was not cold. despite the white being blinding it was not cold.
maybe i'll show off my clay creations. maybe i wont. who knows.
booklets. zines. whatever you call em. they're fun to make.
THE PIT scraps from a story I've lost the thread for.
STORIES FOR TINY THINGS bits and pieces of story invented for tiny miniatures. (PRINTABLE VERSION)